EC4A’s objective is to get the low-income students quickly into the work force so that they can start earning better than living wages.
To that end, EC4A is initiating a Workforce training program that will enable qualifying students desirous of a career obtain certification within about 6 months of training. EC4A will provide financial aid and mentoring support to the students by industry experts during this journey. In addition, justifiable expenses such as internet or chrome book may also be covered on as needed basis.
Presently, we are offering our Level #1 Course Cyber Security Track
Course Objective: To impart Cyber Security job ready skills to High School Students that will act as a foundation for building a successful Cyber Security Career
Prerequisite: Basic computer knowledge and a strong desire to obtain a career in Cybersecurity
Job Availability and Placement: Successful people can be placed as Cyber Security and Risk Management Associates in the Industry
Expected Salary: $45,0000
Training duration: 6 months
Placement help: Through mentoring and local companies
Curriculum: Will be shared upon registration
To Apply, click here to provide your details thar may include Free Application for Federal Students
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